The Suitcase Deadlift is a great way to work on your retraction while hip hinging

Working The Retraction

One of the hardest parts about deadlifting is keeping your shoulder blades retracted. You may find retraction particularly difficult in a barbell deadlift because the bar is in front of your body and rigid, which maks it difficult to get the shoulder blades to pull back towards your spine. In the suitcase version, each arm can move freely, making it much easier.

Tips On Form

1) Make sure the weights stay at your side. As in any deadlift, you need to keep the load close to your center of gravity. If the weights drift forward, they get out in front of your center of gravity and pull you out of form.

2) Keep your head neutral. At the bottom you should be looking at the ground, not up at a mirror or some other point.

3) Make sure you have a good hip hinge – of course!

And as always, if you are not sure about your form you should have it evaluated by a qualified professional. You’ve got to be able to do the movement before you can get the benefit!



Is Your Hip Hinge Missing?

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