I just returned from eight days in Peru and two of them I spent in the Amazon. Let me tell you, when you are there, you are inspired to do a lot of reflecting. Here are my thoughts on fitness while chilling in the rainforest!

Simple lunchEat Simple, Healthy Food!

On the boat out to the lodge we had lunch. It was a banana leaf filled with rice, a little chicken, mushroom, and onions. It was simple and delicious and reminded me that that’s how most meals should be.



Find Time To Relax

We all need to remember to de-stress regularly. Recovery is a key element to health and fitness. Without it, the body breaks down. Too much stress affects your nervous system at the physiological level and this can rob you of good sleep, throw your hormones out of whack, and wreck your concentration. Take 5 minutes a day to unwind. Try the App Headspace for short, guided meditation sessions that are very well done!

Hiking Amazon

Take A Walk

Remember that exercise doesn’t always have to be high-intensity. A nice stroll through the jungle (or the park) can be a great way to get in some movement and to unwind. Maybe you can step it up to walking to work, and from there, who knows?


Silly CoupleDon’t Take Yourself Too Seriously

This is a great one for me. Part of staying motivated in general is learning to enjoy the journey. Don’t be in too big of a rush to lose that weight or gain some muscle. Appreciate the process and let it be your guide. This always gets you better results in the long run!

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  1. This is a really nice post about enjoying time and healthy living ?