The Definition of Fitness
What is the definition of fitness? It is strong fundamental movement coupled with a disease free cardiovascular system. That’s it.
What is the definition of fitness? It is strong fundamental movement coupled with a disease free cardiovascular system. That’s it.
I just returned from eight days in Peru and two of them I spent in the Amazon. Let me tell you, when you are there, you are inspired to do a lot of reflecting. Here are my thoughts on fitness while chilling in the rainforest!
There are a lot of new fitness trackers out there to catalogue your health and fitness metrics and they are becoming pretty sophisticated. But this raises a big question: what if your body doesn’t change? Are your fitness efforts wasted?
After listening to a podcast this week I have been thinking a great deal about what has come to be known as the ‘fat acceptance movement.’ The podcast is from “This American Life” and is called ‘Tell Me I’m Fat.’ I also happened to go to the movies to see X-Men
The New York Times is reporting on a ban of advertisements that promote unhealthy body images in the London public transportation system. The ban reminded me of another article I read on the PTDC that asked the question “is training for a competition just a socially acceptable way to indulge