Empathy and Fitness

After listening to a podcast this week I have been thinking a great deal about what has come to be known as the ‘fat acceptance movement.’ The podcast is from “This American Life” and is called ‘Tell Me I’m Fat.’ I also happened to go to the movies to see X-Men

Focus On Habits, Not Body Image

The New York Times is reporting on a ban of advertisements that promote unhealthy body images in the London public transportation system. The ban reminded me of another article I read on the PTDC that asked the question “is training for a competition just a socially acceptable way to indulge

Exercise Is Many-Sided

It can be easy to settle into one form of exercise. Everything from lack of time to personal preference can lead to one sided exercise routines. The body needs more than that to stay functioning optimally. Here are three key things to understand to help get the most out of