The Reality of Calorie Burn

NPR (Reality Check: To Burn Off A Soda You’ll Have To Run 50 Minutes) reported last Friday on research that was done at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health that I was thrilled to see! The researchers looked at what would happen if, instead of posting calories at restaurants, we posted

Juice – Friend or Foe?

This is a topic that I have written about before (nutrition: don’t forget the big picture), but after delivering a webinar on childhood obesity, I found myself reflecting on it once again. Sometimes it can seem very unclear whether or not a certain food is good or bad, should be

Don’t Fear the Turkey

I noticed a common theme this past week. Many people, including some of my clients, were in defense mode about Thanksgiving. They were concerned about how to avoid as many of the ‘bad’ foods as possible. They were preoccupied by how they could best offset the inevitable disaster that Turkey