How Much Protein Do I Need?
Protein is the ultimate buzzword in fitness nutrition. The truth is, it probably gets too much attention.
Protein is the ultimate buzzword in fitness nutrition. The truth is, it probably gets too much attention.
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday this week of Thanksgiving I noticed a conspicuous uptake in gym traffic. While unscientific, I am going to make the assumption that this is an attempt to mitigate the impending damage of Thanksgiving dinner. It’s not likely to work, and you shouldn’t try.
There’s the idea out there that you should build muscle to raise your metabolism. That is a mistake that we in the industry should rectify. Instead, we should be emphasizing muscle’s positive effect on body chemistry.
Nutrition is not a 1 to 1 equation in which certain decisions are always bad and others are always good; it’s a balancing act that involves trade-offs.
I just returned from eight days in Peru and two of them I spent in the Amazon. Let me tell you, when you are there, you are inspired to do a lot of reflecting. Here are my thoughts on fitness while chilling in the rainforest!